Nhoma – the local village of //Nhoq’mahome of the Ju|’hoansi situated in the Nyae Nyae Conservancy, at the basin of the Kalahari desert near Tsumwke. The Ju/’hoansi are considered to be the world’s oldest culture and have been carrying within them the wisdom of survival, adaptation, and profound connection to nature for well over 150,000 years. The Community honours their local traditions guided by the elders that live in the village and they involved in various projects that preserve their skills like sandal making.They have previously had gatherings with elders from other other communities to share their healing trance dance

Epupa Conservancy – a conservancy in the Kunene Region, Namibia. It consists of approximately 3800 ovaHimba community members. Keeping with their traditional and pastoral ways, community members place focus and emphasis on long-held customs and practices such as livestock rearing, ancestral worship, storytelling and botanical knowledge. In 2021, the conservancy hosted a successful knowledge fair with 100 participants from different conservancies and communities in Kunene, and researchers. During the fair, the participants shared their experiences and exchanged traditional knowledge, in addition to walkshops and other knowledge exchange activities

Statements from
Community Organisers

Shorty Kandjengo, Ju/’hoansi, Namibia

I would like to invite all the Indigenous communities across the globe or across the world to come and participate and to come and share their knowledge and also come and explore more about the lives of the different Indigenous communities in the next gathering.”
So it’s very important because we need to preserve some of our traditional Indigenous knowledge. Therefore, when I’m talking about the preservation of our traditional knowledge, some of us, our language is slowly disappearing and some of our traditional things are about to disappear, so that is why it is very much important for all the indigenous communities that are affected across the world to come and participate.”

Uariaike Mbinge, Namibia

“On the third month of next year, we will have a gathering in Epupa and I’m inviting all the different communities from within the country and from different countries, so that we can have this gathering in Epupa in order to share knowledge. So I want to invite everyone from different countries to come and attend this gathering.”
“The gathering is very important because at the gathering you will come and learn how to integrate and engage with other Indigenous people around the world.”
The thing that is most important is that all the Indigenous people must be invited so that they themselves can hear exactly what the people (other Indigenous people) are talking about [and doing].”

Welcome Messages from Host Communities

EPUPA Welcome Message
NHOMA Welcome Message